We have many positions of service and volunteer work for active members of Bethel Baptist Church to participate in; these range from visitation to working around the church grounds and everywhere in between. Please contact Pastor Jason Myers for more information.
Depending on the event or the nature of the volunteer work, you may be more than welcome to bring friends along. In any case, please see Pastor Jason Myers for more inforamtion and to discuss this matter in further detail.
While most of the events and activities we need assistance with take place on the grounds of Bethel Baptist Church, there are times when we are active within various areas of our community. Please contact Pastor Jason Myers for more information.
Your tax detuctible financial gifts can be made in several ways including at any one of our church services, via mail, or online through the link below.
We accept cash, check, online donations through PayPal, and in certain instances, through item donations that the church is in need of.
Yes, your gift to Bethel Baptist Church is tax detuctible.